Monday, August 27, 2012

Are They The 5 Best Sentences You'll Ever Read?

When we try to simplify things we can end up with ideas or claims that at first look may appear correct and so easy to understand, however they are often making too many assumptions and are lacking in other necessary variables.  So I am going to quickly show how these statements can be wrong, and prove that these are far from that best 5 sentences you'll ever read.

1.  First off this is not representative of any rational view held by individuals in America because this is clearly not happening nor is anyone trying to do this. I have never heard anyone say that rich people should give up so much of their money so that they have less than the people they are giving it too.  To attempt to do so, would result in everyone having the same amount of money, and that technically is possible.  No one is suggesting that though. I attempted to find another meaning out of this but that would call for me to assume too much so I will leave it at that.

2. This goes along with the concept that if you work hard you will make money, if you don't have money you are not working hard enough.  Not always true.  Some people don’t work very hard at all for their money, and others work very hard and have very little.  It all comes down to opportunities.  Some people are born into a better situation with more opportunities, others have good fortune that creates opportunities, and some are smart and work hard to create opportunities.  But some people are born into poor families with not a great support system and maybe in a poor area with bad education, others have bad luck, and others don't have the brains and abilities to do the work that brings in the big bucks.  So if done correctly, #2 can help level the playing field and help people who are not working be more productive, get the education they need, or whatever help they need, to start contributing to the economy and providing for themselves.  As for the statement made, yes sometimes that is true.  That doesn't mean that it shouldn’t be done.

3.  Did the government take roads from someone first, or policeman and fireman, or the many other programs that provide things for people.    I guess the government CAN give things to someone that they did not take from others.  And refer back to number 2 about equal opportunity.

4.  This is a good example of how oversimplification can lead to a ludicrous claim. The claim pretty much says you can't make more money if you split up the money that you have.   But if you are only looking at the money you have, you can't make more no matter what you do with it.  Can you multiply it by keeping it whole?  But I am also going past that main flaw in logic and propose this:  there is a billionaire and we are going to look at 50 million dollars of hers/his.  If the billionaire keeps it, it stays in his/her bank account and doesn't go into the economy.   Now let's take that 50 million and divide it between 1000 individuals who are poor.  Now all these individuals will have a bankroll that will allow them more opportunities, some using it to start a business, some use it to get an education that will then lead to getting a good job, other just use it to pay for expenses and put the money directly into the economy.  Now, how can you say that Mr./Mrs. Rich's money is "multiplying" or being used to the best potential by sitting in her/his bank account, versus being given to those 1000 individuals. 

5.  Even when you have money you want to work and make more money, even if some of it is being given to someone else.  Why do you want to work and make more money, because you are better off doing that than not working and not having nearly as much money.  People in general will want to make more money so if they have the opportunity to work and make more money they will. Some will always choose not to work hard but everyone deserves the opportunity. 

All these statements try to over exaggerate a situation.  I feel like the viewpoint of whoever wrote these is that some people (the liberals) are trying to take all the money that working people make and give it to all these people that don’t work, and that the reward for not working is the same as the reward for working .  That is not even close to what is going on.  If you believe so, then why don't you try and be poor for a little while.  Stop working and live the poor life. 

Don't judge someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes.  And yes, I know there are some of you out there that came from poor families and worked your way up, but I want you to think about every opportunity that you had.  You were given the opportunity one way or another.  And some people out there just don't have that opportunity.  Some don't get the right education.  Some don't have anyone telling them they can achieve anything they set their mind to.  Some were not given the physical and mental strength needed to overcome hurtles. 

I know most people will just view this as some "Liberal" who can't do math, but I am hoping that you will actually read this and just think about what life would be like if you weren't given the opportunities you had.  And think about all the good that can be done from your taxes and truly think about how good all of our lives are, we are so lucky to have everything we have.  We have all become so consumed with money, and material items and wealth, that we forget about others suffering.  We forget how to care. 

And btw, I am not a Liberal, or a Conservative, or a Democrat, or a Republican.  I am a Human.  And I believe that we can all work together to make life better for everyone.  I believe in our society progressing to a unified whole, not digressing into two factions separated by wealth.  

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