Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Distribution of Wealth

Conservative perspective: I work hard to receive the money I have.  It is then taken away from me and given to someone who is lazy and chooses not to work.  The person receiving the financial support has no reason to go get a job now and be a productive member of society because that person gets paid to do nothing.  Those individuals who are unemployed and poor should work harder to find jobs and make their own money, not leech that money from the people being productive. 

Liberal perspective: There are individuals out there too poor to provide for their basic needs.  Many of these individuals just don’t have the opportunity to be successful, or have had some bad luck.  We are all people and all people should be taken care of.  Those that can afford to should cover their basic needs.  It is immoral to let people suffer and die just because they are poor. 

These are two generalized perspectives from opposite ends of the spectrum.  They might not be completely accurate to you and your beliefs, but they are common ones held by both sides. 

I believe that, because C­onservatives focus on the money aspect of things, Liberals assume they have no care for people that are less fortunate and only care about profit.  I also believe that, because Liberals want to finance the poor, Conservatives assume they are all less wealthy and support taking other people’s money to give to the poor. 

The truth is, conservatives and liberals (on this issue) are not so different.  The part that upsets the conservatives is that they perceive individuals that receive the money as those that do nothing to better their lives, and don’t want to work, where Liberals see them as people that do want to better their lives and do want to work. 

Most Conservatives that I know do believe in charity, and do believe in helping out those that are less fortunate.  They give jobs to those that want the opportunity, and they contribute to organizations that successfully help people get on their own two feet.  I think the only part they are opposed to is the approach taken by the government in spreading out the wealth and the lack of success it has in generating more productive people.  They don’t want their money wasted on someone who is not willing to put in the effort his/herself. 

The Liberal perspective is not all the people receiving financial help from the government are abusing the system.  Most wish they could better themselves and many work hard.  Some people are just less fortunate than others, and I believe that the Liberals see all those who are less fortunate and deserve a chance at life, over those who are capable and just choose not to. (I personally think there is a lot more to people that lack the motivation and that don’t want to work, and that they shouldn’t be forgotten or given up on. But I will leave that discussion for another time.)

I believe there is a way to help out all the people who are less fortunate while making sure our tax dollars are not being wasted.  Conservatives and Liberals need to work together in order to make improvements.  They need not to argue with one another but to conduct discussions that focus on the pros and cons of the current system and any other proposed system.  You can disagree with the execution of someone’s plans but agree with the intent or parts of it.  

In school, when giving critiques, we were taught to first say something you like about the other person’s work and then say something you would change or improve.  We did this to not hurt the other kids feelings and to give them the best opportunities to make improvements instead of just resenting our critiques.  Adults still operate similar to children.  You are less likely to accept someone’s critique if they only tell you how you are wrong.  We need to have productive communication and be sensitive to the other person’s feelings if we want to make progress.  Give them a boost, and then suggest an alternative.  

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