Friday, September 7, 2012

Party Platform Blunders

Video: The Young Turks on Democrats readmitting reference to God and Jerusalem identification as Israel's capital to their platform with a voice vote.    

I am less concerned with the fumbling around and am more interested in what it revealed.  We can Learn two things from this video:

1. Party leaders don't care about a fair and democratic process, they will have things their way, even if the people disagree.

2. Majority of people have forgotten how our constitution was founded with the separation of church and state, where we welcome all religions and belief systems.  Using the term 'God' implies an ideological  belief that alienates all people who do not share in those beliefs.  Our politicians are suppose to support the people, not a religious conviction. 

What the Democratic Party leaders should have done in the beginning was eliminate the term "God" due to its insinuation of an unfair predisposition on religion, and not let it go back up for a vote.  Of course, then they would have to recognized the unconstitutional use of religion in all areas of our government.  Such as the pledge of allegiance, our currency, and the swearing in to office with the bible. 

More on religion in politics to come in future posts. 

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