Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Who do you think you are, you 47%?

What Romney said wasn't a total surprise to me.  I assumed he thought like that, the same with most conservatives.  I have been seeing a lot of comments on this issue from conservatives saying they agree with what Romney said.  They think that those people, that Romney refers to as the 47%, are leaching off the government instead of trying to better their lives by themselves.  They think the poor liberals don't want to work hard, they just want everything to be handed to them. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Party Platform Blunders

Video: The Young Turks on Democrats readmitting reference to God and Jerusalem identification as Israel's capital to their platform with a voice vote.    

I am less concerned with the fumbling around and am more interested in what it revealed.  We can Learn two things from this video:

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Distribution of Wealth

Conservative perspective: I work hard to receive the money I have.  It is then taken away from me and given to someone who is lazy and chooses not to work.  The person receiving the financial support has no reason to go get a job now and be a productive member of society because that person gets paid to do nothing.  Those individuals who are unemployed and poor should work harder to find jobs and make their own money, not leech that money from the people being productive. 

Friday, August 31, 2012

The Ultimate Goals for the Progress of Humanity

I feel like I got detached from the purpose of my blog in my last post, being sucked into the gravitational pull of an ill-articulated attempt at political warfare, and for that I apologize.  This blog is supposed to be my platform from which I can dive into and attempt to understand the various views of progress.  This means I must try and understand all beliefs equally, even claims that I personally perceive to be ludicrous. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Are They The 5 Best Sentences You'll Ever Read?

When we try to simplify things we can end up with ideas or claims that at first look may appear correct and so easy to understand, however they are often making too many assumptions and are lacking in other necessary variables.  So I am going to quickly show how these statements can be wrong, and prove that these are far from that best 5 sentences you'll ever read.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Gun Debate - Intro

I have been studying and dwelling on the issue of gun control for a while.  I come from a family that enjoys their guns, and that does not want anything to do with guns.  That is to say that my family is split.  I have been able to hear both sides of the argument.  Still, I have to look beyond my family's feelings towards guns to discover what I believe to be the solution to gun violence. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Chik-Fil-A: Government Banning

Governments should not have the authority to ban a business based on their expressed religious and personal beliefs.  It is against the laws of our country, and what America stands for, to discriminate against someone and their business solely on their beliefs, and that is exactly what is being done to Chik-Fil-A. Boston mayor Thomas Menino has expressed Chik-Fil-A is not welcomed there.  When the government bans something you like for no reason except that they disagree with it on personal and religious standards, you feel a just amount of anger.  You feel what it is like to be persecuted.  You feel what it is like to have a tyrannical authority take away your rights and freedoms.